Bus simulator 18 uv location
Bus simulator 18 uv location

Fuze parameters are now set up to use real-life values. Reworked fuze modelling of WWII bombs and containers. Added small craters for other surfaces for unexploded or fuzed bombs Ju-88 crashes when trying to land at Kobuleti - fixed. OH-58D cannot spawn from the Handy Wind - fixed. When an AI pilot has not enough flight control authority to climb ridges due to damaged aircraft, he keeps flying straight into the mountain and does not eject - fixed. Ground hot AV-8B AI wingman don't take off from FARP - fixed. SSE: always displays a message when called - fixed. Unit.getDescentCapacity returns nil on ground vehicles - fixed. Coalition.getGroups returns dead ground groups - fixed. Added setSpeed and setAltitude to Controller class. F-16 can fail to attack ground forces with Mk-84 bomb - fixed. If a Caucasus mission was played beforehand in the same game session, ATC will keep using Caucasus airfields names - fixed. BL-755 bomb is absent from Tornado GR4’s payload inventory - restored. Tornado GR4 and IDS weapon stations overlap - corrected. When a helicopter is off the screen (or about to get off the screen), its shadow becomes motionless: rotors are static - fixed. Corrected parameters to reflect those of the rocket that's used as a visual model.

Bus simulator 18 uv location full#

Sometimes the rain/snow moves horizontal at full speed, even though there is very little - fixed. Improved low level abilities, they can fly in formation around 100 feet now. Helicopter wingman 4 collided with wingman 3 after cover command received - fixed. Unable to ripple laser guided bombs on same target - fixed. Player with wingmen are not given permission to take off - fixed. Wingmans don't take off after the player from CVN deck - fixed. AI aircraft wingman, on taxi/takeoff will pass or crash into lead in some scenarios - fixed.AI aircraft do not wait for Player Lead to taxi - fixed.

bus simulator 18 uv location bus simulator 18 uv location

Helicopters incorrectly placed on Seawise Giant ship - corrected.No longer orient themselves to fire for fire at point task and no route - fixed. Neutral coalition button missing from “Choice of coalition” list - fixed.Mission editor does not read Transportable boolean when opening. Multicolored smoke particles in the sky were eliminated. Some air defense units ignore the Interception Range setting - fixed. Incorrect data on the number of units in debriefing. Сan't choose player in muticrew menu if the radio widget is open - fixed. AI Kuznetsov 2017, Seawise Giant, Handy Wind have no RCS set.AI Fighters will not engage helicopters with missiles - fixed.AI wingman keeps repeating '2, RTB' - fixed.AAR: S-3 offloads too much fuel to F-14 - fixed.Invisible FARP will not be a target for AI aircraft.Crash on mission start with an exploded unit - fixed.LUU-2B flares descend faster than they should (20 ft/s in-sim vs 8.3 ft/s per datasheet) - corrected.Tankers in old missions now get correct TACAN frequency at the beacon creation. Inconsistent A/A TACAN behavior fixed.

bus simulator 18 uv location

  • Added 'iCommandPlaneRefuelingReadyPreContact' command to input files of the following aircraft: A-10C, A-10C II, A-10A, F-15C, Su-33, F/A-18C, F-16C.
  • PAI Does not Engage Ships with Kh-31A - fixed.
  • Aircraft requiring a ground team cannot start when using invisible FARP - fixed.
  • Smoke / fire for submerged units can still be seen above the water - fixed.
  • Fixed DX11 render error when set S-300 SR unit.
  • Can be changed in the Voice Chat window -> Options

    bus simulator 18 uv location

  • Voice Chat: added master volume control for rooms and the radio.
  • Voice Chat: added new server to support rooms/radio talks in problematic networks.
  • The trigger to turn on/off the Voice Chat window can be mapped to joystick buttons.
  • Added: ZBD04/ZTZ96/HQ7/PLZ05 new FLIR texture.
  • Added a new FLIR rendering system for AH-64D, F-16C, F/A-18C, and A-10C/A-10C II.
  • DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims.
  • DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo.
  • Introducing DCS: AH-64D in the Early Access now!

    Bus simulator 18 uv location